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Monkeys Precious As Gold

Submitted by: Mengyu Liu The environment is polluted; lots of animals are in danger now. Humans have destroyed animals’ habitats, causing countless deaths of countless species. One of my favorite species, which also happens to be on the Red List of endangered …

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Five Ways to Talk About Food

By Angela Luo This is how we talk about food: Literally—We whine during fourth period that lunch is so far away, even when it is only next period. We comment on not having had breakfast that morning because we were running late …

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Fit or Fat?

By: Jocelyn Li As technology is becoming a larger part of children’s lives, they are exposed to more and more advertisements from fast food companies. A study shows that “obesity has more than doubled among children ages 2 to 5 (5.0% to …

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Kandahar Shootings

50 were killed during an attack at a bazaar near the Kandahar Airport in Afghanistan on Dec.10th, 2015. Among those, 38 were civilians, 10 were Afghan National Army soldiers, and two were policemen. An additional 35 people were injured. The Taliban has …

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How Sharks Save Lives

Despite their fearsome and often incorrect reputation, sharks are essential for our marine ecosystem’s survival. Statistically, shark attacks kill less than one person per year. The ocean provides ⅓ of our world’s food, produces the most oxygen in the world, removes half …

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