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Former Chinese President Jiang Zemin Dies at 96

By Kevin Zhang On Wednesday, November 30, former Chinese president Jiang Zemin, who led the country for a decade of rapid economic growth after the Tiananmen crackdown, died at the age of 96. A wave of nostalgia has erupted across the country …

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The Dangers of Cows

by Suri Zheng Did you know that cows are the number one highest agricultural carbon emitter in the world? Not transport and cars, deforestation, waste, and power plants, but cows. In a recent study at UC Davis, researchers put cows’ heads in …

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Importance of Covering Your Sneeze

It’s not just good manners to cover your cough. Doing so helps reduce the spread of germs including the highly contagious influenza virus. The flu and some other infections are spread through microscopic water droplets expelled from an infected person, commonly through …

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What Is the Right Amount Of Radiation?

Radiation and radioactive materials are part of our environment. The radiation in the environment comes from both cosmic radiation that originates in outer space, and from radioactive materials that occur naturally in the earth and in our own bodies. Together, these are …

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Why Wearing A Seatbelt Is Important

We’ve come a long way with vehicle safety. Up until the early 1950s, many cars didn’t come with a seatbelt at all. Even though Texas laws require car drivers to wear their seatbelts at all times, many people ignore this safety precaution, …

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