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Public vs Private Schools

By Mihika Badjate Which is better: public or private school? This is an ongoing debate, one that everyone seems to have different answers and different explanations for. So how do we resolve this debate? Let’s start by listing a few positives of …

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Music 4 America

By: Jocelyn Li   In a world that emphasizes technological innovation and STEM education, one begins to wonder: why do the humanities matter? The role that the arts and culture play in today’s world seems to be diminishing, turning even more people …

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Trump’s Green Environment

Submitted by: Aimi Wen America’s new president elect, Donald J. Trump, is rather famous for his stance on the environment. He promotes the use of coal and natural gas. He chose a climate-skeptic as the new head of the EPA and even …

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Marijuana’s Advantages

By Jiemin Sun The health effects of marijuana are dependent on the frequency of use, the efficacy, the amount used, and the age of the user. Healthy adults occasionally use marijuana in small amounts, with little or no effects at all. The …

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Affirmative Action

Michael Yang   Affirmative Action is a bill that, supposedly, would help colleges and workplaces treat minorities more fairly, and give minorities an equal shot to success. In practice, though, affirmative action helps certain minorities, while harming and excluding certain others. Most …

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Winter Break: The Reality

By Krystal Yang   As the festive season draws closer, and eventually closes up for 2016, schools all over the world are letting students off for holiday break. In the wake of the holiday spirit, and celebrating the halfway point through the …

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San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade

By: Jinsong Tu   Named one of the world’s top ten parades, the Chinese New Year Parade in San Francisco, which took place on February 11 this year, is the largest Chinese New Year celebration outside of Asia. The Chinese New Year …

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