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Plank Holds

By Xin C Exercise is one of the core cornerstones of ensuring physical and mental health. Exercise allows you to easily complete daily activities, delay aging, and improve your overall mood. There are many ways to exercise, but the main concern is …

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Do You Want A Trophy?

By John Han Duan The famous words, “There are no points for second place” from Top Gun exemplifies the strict mindset that only the most elite receive trophies (Grossman 2012). In my opinion, this is a great way of promoting self improvement …

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Bluefin Tuna: Popularity May Lead to its Demise

By Megan Tjandrasuwita   Northern bluefin tuna (hon-maguro, or simply maguro in Japanese) mainly consists of the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna and the Pacific Bluefin Tuna species. They are popular menu items in sushi restaurants in Japan, as well as around the world. …

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Phones Are Precious, But Your Life More So

By Jenny S Your life is more important than your phone. There are more and more reports about selfie-related injuries and deaths. The main reason for selfie-related deaths is that when people are taking selfies, they pay less attention to their surroundings, especially …

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Oculus Go

by Yi Zhang Finally the VR headset for everyone is here: Oculus Go was released early this month at F8, the Facebook developer conference. The first thing to catch your eye would the price: $199. Yes, a stand-alone high-quality VR headset for …

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The Gun Control Debate

By Vincent Huang After the tragic incident that occurred in Parkland, Florida, many people, as well as the federal government, reignited the gun control debate. There are many pros and cons for tighter gun control. One point that supports more stringent gun …

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By Ajay Krishnan   If you’re reading this, you’re probably doing it through an electronic device; most likely through a cell phone. 6 billion people around the world have cell-phones. That’s more than the number of people who have toilets! We live …

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