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Measles Outbreak in Santa Clara

By Christina Hua Ever since the invention of vaccines, there has been groups of people disagreeing with it. Nowadays, they are pop up mainly in Facebook groups, telling people about how vaccines cause autism and how we should all believe in the …

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Arming Teachers

By: Julie Broch The topic of whether or not to arm teachers in schools has been a very controversial this past few months. In Pennsylvania, parents are suing a school district in order to prevent them from allowing teachers to carry guns …

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How to Quickly Prepare Your Lunches

By: Michelle Hua Most people are in a rush in the mornings: you have less than an hour to get dressed and eat breakfast. With this time limit, packing lunches may seem like a hassle. However, there is a simple solution to …

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Measles and Vaccines

By Edward Mims Scientific advancements are contributing every day to a new and better world for the next generation, one with less disease and strife for all. Vaccines are a common method of preventing disease, and are most readily seen with the …

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Serena Mao It’s a common problem: people overthink. After a slip of the tongue, an unusual gesture, a risky text message, thoughts tend to run wild, generating burning questions about every single detail of the situation or conversation. These unanswered inquiries race …

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