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Election Security System

As the presidential elections near, the focus of the people return to election security, especially considering the fiasco of the 2016 presidential election. Plagued by supposed Russian interference, vote miscounts, and many miscellaneous rumors in 2016, the government has teamed up with …

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Emotional Availability

Serena Mao As mental health becomes an increasingly prominent issue, discussions about the importance of community support have similarly surfaced. It’s indubitable that people going through hard times feel better when they are able to talk to their friends. Indeed, having resources …

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Sikh Temple Attacked in Kabul Afghanistan

By Kevin Zhang On March 25, 2020, militants stormed a Sikh gurdwara, or worshipping site in Kabul, Afghanistan, killing at least 25 people in a span of six hours. The terrorist attack occurs just as the war-ravaged country is beginning to suffer …

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Videography in Troubled Times

By: Eileen Guo I’ve been taking video production ever since freshman year. I automatically fell in love with it because I never knew how empowering a camera could be. I walked into my video production class on the first day of school, …

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Almond Milk Controversy

By Christina Hua Almond milk has slowly gained popularity as a healthy, dairy-free alternative to regular milk. However, now people are starting to reject it after discovering the environmental impacts it causes. Some restaurants and cafes in Boston have stopped offering it …

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Trichostasis Spinulosa

By: Emily Zhang A man posted on BBS that he found a lot of black pores with black hairs on his back — but it wasn’t any normal hair. The hair was easily pulled out with just his nails. There were multiple …

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Latest Phones

by David Zhang Both Samsung and Apple are going to be releasing phones that target the mid-range consumers, which nearly match up with their high spec phones such as the iPhone 11 or S20. Samsung has already released its new phones during …

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