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Resuming of Major League Baseball

By: Allen Bryan Major League Baseball, which plans to begin its regular season in three weeks, said on Friday the 26th, 31 players had tested positive for COVID-19. In addition to the players, seven staff members had also tested positive. This information …

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Life in a Teaspoon

By Owen Xu Li The soil of the Amazon is so incredibly rich that in a single teaspoon worth of soil, there may be over 1,800 microscopic life forms, of which 400 are fungi. Scientists describe this soil as a “dark matter” …

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By: Emily Zhang Glaucoma is an eye disease caused by optic nerve damage and visual field defects. When an optic nerve or visual pathway gets damaged, it will affect the patient’s vision. If left untreated, it can lead to blindness. However, according …

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2020 College Application Under Covid-19 Crisis

By: Brian (Ruibo) Wu Due to the inconvenience caused by Covid-19, many colleges have adjusted requirements for the 2020 college application. The UC colleges firstly announced that any standard tests such as SAT, ACT, SAT Subject, will be optional, and that admission …

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What Will Happen to Sports in the High School

By: Allen Bryan Amid this pandemic, I am sure that you, like many other high school students, are wondering what will happen to fall sports. Recently, the National Federation of State High School Associations released guidelines for the reopening of sports.  The …

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