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Potatoes: Super Food or Potential Danger?

By Kevin Bryan Potatoes have been on the human’s menu for over 7000 years. First cultivated in South America, they went global after Europeans realized how easy they were to grow and introduced them to other parts of the world over 400 …

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Alpacas Cure Cancer

By Derek Dong The Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) recently published a new research paper on a possible solution to the challenging problem posed by cancer. It seems our answer could be from the immune system of Alpacas. EGF (Epidermal …

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Mental Health Work Halted in Nauru

By Roger Kim In Nauru, a small Pacific island nation, the International medical charity Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been ordered by the nation’s government to cease its mental health work after more than 11 months of providing its services to both …

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Enebriation Prevention

By Kevin Bryan Everyone will be exposed to alcohol at some time or another when attending parties or large celebrations with friends. While alcohol in moderation can assist in making a fun time for everyone, knowing the signals of when someone has …

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A Life Without Antibiotics

By Edward Mims Most of us do not remember a world before antibiotics. It was only in the 1940s that penicillin, the first truly effective antibiotic, began to be used in a significant way. Ask your grandparents or an octogenarian neighbor what …

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Athlete’s Foot

By Shi Wen Xing Athlete’s foot is a disease most notably linked to the locker rooms and people who frequent them.  The locker room, however, is not the only place you can contract this infection, and feet are not the only site …

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By Allen Bryan Having an egg every morning for protein is a healthful dietary habit, but it could also cause a type of food poisoning known as Salmonella. The infection is called Salmonellosis, but is widely known by the bacteria’s genus name, …

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