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Serena Mao

America’s North Korea Strategy

U.S. President Donald Trump has had a long history with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Beginning with the constant rivalry and angry tweets, the love-hate relationship somehow birthed a peaceful meeting in June at the demilitarized zone in Korea. However, this …

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Letters of Recommendation

All high schoolers know that to get to college, most will need letters of recommendation from their teachers. They know that the willingness of the teacher to write the letter and the quality of the letter depend heavily upon the teacher’s opinion …

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Understanding Others

We all know those people who we think are backstabbers, rude, or strange enough that we should stay away from. Often, this perception of them causes us to distance ourselves, striving to interact with them as little as possible. However, this common …

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Hating Hate

Serena Mao Being disliked isn’t a pleasant feeling: humans are inherently social creatures, and we all like approval and validation from others. However, a fear of being disliked often causes us to become increasingly cautious, afraid that any minute detail in our …

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Letting Go

Serena Mao No one lives life without mistakes, regrets, or failures. At some point in time, something is bound to go awry. It might be a stroke of bad luck, or an impulsive decision that appears to be nonsense in retrospect. No …

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Trade War

Serena Mao In the midst of the tense US-China trade war, markets have been taking a hit. Indeed, the US economy has been showing multiple signs of a potential recession, including the dramatic inversion of the yield curve. Due to the ever …

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Free Will?

Serena Mao People have always believed that a defining feature of humans is their ability to make autonomous decisions. Whatever forks in the road they are faced with, they can theoretically make individual choices regarding their future course of action. But as …

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