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Submitted by Eileen Guo As we all know, California is in a drought, and we’re encouraged to do all things possible in order to conserve water. However, some “solutions” are too extreme. I was in a restaurant the other day, only to …

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Beauty Test

By Anonymous The latest craze, especially in East Asia, is the beauty test. These simple tests are alleged to prove if you are beautiful or ugly. The validity of these tests are disputable, but the tests have become extremely popular nevertheless. One …

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Chinese Community Happiness Party

Milpitas, CA.  ­– July 19, 2015 – About a hundred people attended a Chinese Community Happiness Party hosted by the Chinese American Literature Magazine, with the hope of gathering everyone together to form a tighter bond with each other. There were shows, seminars, and games inside. Gifts were …

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How to be an UPstander

By: Raymond Jin On a sunny day, Mary was going out for a bike ride, but she wasn’t very joyful about it. She knew that every time when she was out in the park she would be stared at and bullied by …

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Bruce, the Car Salesman

By Jennifer Hao A car salesman, a car salesman? A car salesman! That is the one of the most loathed professions in our society. Every time I go out for lunch passing through that car dealership,  I would look over that row …

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Concealed Handguns in the USA

By Timothy Ding Many people in the US carry concealed weapons; regulating these weapons is a major issue. In most locations in the USA, gun control is allowed but often restricted. There are several locations that have different forms of gun control. …

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Reducing Student Stress and Depression

Click for Report: 2015 High School Student Stress and Wellness Survey from the teen perspective CUPERTINO, Calif. – A recent study involving over 1,400 students showed that nearly 1 in 4 high school students in the bay area are highly likely to have …

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