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Seasonal Allergies: causes, symptoms, treatment

By Lucia Zhang Sneezing or coughing? Runny nose or itchy red eyes? You may have seasonal allergies; nearly one in five Americans suffer from allergies. The most common symptoms of seasonal allergies are sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, itchy throat, eyes, sinuses, …

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All These Little Things

Submitted by: Mengyu Liu I think it’s great how many people in the United States are educated about how they can protect the environment. Sorted trash in the colored bins are enforced at school and students learn about turning off the sink …

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Drama Class

Submitted By: Jessica Lee Ever since school started, one of my favorite classes has been Drama. Drama has been a place for me and other students to relax, and for us to take ourselves away from the stresses of school. Whenever I …

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Drinking Soda

By: Jocelyn Li Although soda companies encourage people to exercise, health experts still disapprove of their advertisements because they promote soda as well as fitness. Soda contains on average 240 calories and 15-18 teaspoons of sugar per can. Therefore, drinking soda increases …

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At Least 95 Dead in Turkey Bombings

  Two powerful bombs exploded at a peace rally near the main train station in Ankara on Saturday, October 10, 2015 at around 10:00 am. The deadly attack in Turkey’s capital killed at least 97 people and wounded 246 others. The bombs …

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Should Abortion be Legal?

by Lucia Zhang Abortion is the act of terminating a human pregnancy, usually before a fetus is capable of an independent life. It was legalized in the United States in 1973, but the debate over whether it should have been legalized has …

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When studying for several hours or pulling an all-nighter, what might actually help you is a power nap. It may seem counterproductive, but a nap will make you more alert and increase productivity. To maximize benefits from a nap, it should be …

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