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Finals Week

By Cindy Guo   Andy William will be singing, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” but high school students would think otherwise. Nearing Christmas, or the holidays, only means that finals week is slowly creeping upon us. Students taking six, …

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Save the South China Tiger!

Submitted by: Eileen Guo The South China Tiger population was estimated to be about 4,000 tigers in the early 1950s. In the next few decades, thousands of tigers were killed as the subspecies was hunted as a pest. The Chinese government banned …

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Different Types of Teachers

Submitted By: Margaret Li   In today’s society, many go to school to learn, to get into a good college, to have a good future. This, however, is on the teachers to transfer their knowledge to you. Whether you like your teacher …

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The Getty Center

By: Teresa Tu My family and I drove from San Francisco to Los Angeles during the Thanksgiving holiday. We had been to Los Angeles many times before as well as many tourist attractions in the area. This time we decided to go …

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Racist Chinese Star Wars poster

On December 18, 2015, the new sequel of the Star Wars series will be in theatres. Many posters and fan memorabilia have already been released to the public for publicity, but a certain poster has attracted the wrong kind of attention. A …

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