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Climbing, Good or Bad?

By Runjie Xiao Recently, climbing has become increasingly popular as an enjoyable method to positively impact one’s physical and mental health. This activity can help people simultaneously improve their body strength and boost their stamina. Climbing frequently can increase the strength of …

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SAT Testing

By Kevin Bryan As junior year of highschool rolls around, students are forced to start thinking about what colleges they may be interested in. There are many components that go into the college application, including GPA and extracurriculars. However, one other component …

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5 Proven Ways Meditating Prepares You for Success

By: Eileen Guo What do mega-successful business leaders and entrepreneurs like Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, and Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post, all have in common?   They carve out time in their busy …

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Black Rhinos: Critically Endangered

By Nicole Chan What is the problem? From 1960 to 1995, the population of black rhinoceros has dropped 98%, thus labeling them as critically endangered animals. This is largely due to a dramatic increase of poachers who sell the rhinos’ horns on …

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The Benefits and Detriments of Video Games

By Kevin Bryan   Video games have long been established as an unhealthy activity, but like anything, moderation is key. While many aspects of video games may cause detriments to health, other evidence reveals that there can be some benefits to health …

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End of Nasa’s Dawn Mission

By Kevin You NASA’s Dawn mission will be coming to an end after 11 years of breaking new grounds in planetary science. It will be unable to communicate with Earth in about a month. The Dawn probe is currently the only spacecraft …

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The College Culture

By Serena Mao Forget poverty, unemployment, or climate change––the youth of America today are obsessed with getting into college. From maintaining that 4.0 GPA to becoming president of countless clubs, the list is endless. Knowing that colleges want people who are committed, …

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