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Water Filters

By Evan Li Water is an essential nutrient to live with. Most of us can go for several days or even weeks without food, however, water is completely different. Roughly 60% of our bodies are made of water, the maximum a human …

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ICE Detention Centers

Within the past few months, the internet has been overflowing with lurid stories and jaw-dropping accounts of the conditions in immigrant detention centers. These areas of confinement lack access to materials necessary to maintain basic hygiene and the atmosphere is excruciatingly uncomfortable. …

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How I Created a Club in High School

By Owen Xu Li In August, I entered a new American school in Mexico City. I founded my own organization called Environment Life Future (ELF). At first, I did activities all by myself, but then I realized my school enabled students to …

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Bionic Glue

By: Brian Wu Scientists have recently invented a reversible superglue that mimics snail mucus, which in recent tests was strong enough to withstand the weight of an adult. Scientists tested this superglue and found that 2 square centimeters of sticky blocks were …

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Norwegian Ship Failure

By Ryane Li An accident occurred in Norway and left a multi-million dollar warship sunk in a Norwegian fjord. A Malta-registered oil tanker collided with  and scored a large hole in the side. The KNM Helge Ingstad is one of five warships …

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2 Supplements You Might Want to Reconsider Taking

By: Eileen Guo Research announced that taking calcium and vitamin D supplements together might increase the risk of having a stroke. This finding was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in a review of what’s currently known about the health effects …

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California’s Earthquakes

By David Zhang Recently, two relatively large earthquakes occurred a couple of hundred miles northeast of Los Angeles, 6.4 and 7.1 on the Richter scale. Luckily, they weren’t close to any major cities, so there wasn’t too much damage done. These two …

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