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El Paso Shooting

By Kevin Zhang On August 3rd, 2019, a gunman opened fire at the Walmart of Cielo Vista Mall in El Paso, Texas, resulting in multiple fatalities. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick told the press there were 15-20 casualties but did not give …

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Bitcoin’s Energy Usage

By David Zhang Bitcoin is mined through powerful processors that create tens of terra-hashes(1012) per second. This process consumes a large quantity of energy, considering the fact that most Bitcoin mining devices are run 24/7. These devices use about 0.1 Joules per …

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Recently, I embarked on a research project regarding China and its economic policy. I needed to discover and describe the intentions and end results of China’s foreign trade and investment ventures. But before we were sent to Google at our heart’s delight, …

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Music: A Form of Creativity

By: Will Wu What is music? How do people now define music? By searching online and in a dictionary, I found out that the definition of music is an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotion in significant forms …

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Mueller Report Summary

Since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, the accusations of Russian interference in the election have been widespread. Special counsel Robert Mueller was the man in charge of the investigation of Trump and his supposed collusion with the Russian government involving …

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Californian Heatwave Kills Mussels

Christina Hua California is known for its beaches up and down it’s coast, many of which retain their warm waters year round. Unfortunately for the mussels in Bodega Bay, the heat isn’t something to be happy about. Due to the recent heatwave, …

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Air Conditioners

By: Michelle Hua In many places around the world, summer can be unbearably hot. To avoid this problem, most people stay indoors and enjoy the cold environment provided by the air conditioner. Air conditioners are extraordinarily effective in cooling down enclosed areas …

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