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Graphene: The Best Material?

By Alex Wang Sorry Minecraft fans, but the hardest material in the world is not diamond; instead, it is a certain arrangement of carbon atoms called graphene. Discovered in a laboratory in Manchester, graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms that …

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Child Soldiers

There has been an increasing amount of child soldiers through the past few years, and it is estimated that about 300,000 children are working as soldiers worldwide. Knowing that many are getting caught as prisoners of war, the question remains – should …

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Huawei’s 5G Smartphone

By: Alice Zhong Huawei Technologies unveiled a $2,600 folding smartphone called “Mate X” that is primed for fifth generation, or 5G connections, on February 24. The tech giant said it had taken the lead on developing phones for 5G, which promises super-fast …

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Why Colleges Should Drop SAT, ACT Requirements

Source: https://static.pexels.com/photos/2172/desk-pens-school-design.jpg

By Jennie Wang SAT and ACT are both standardized tests that are used for college admissions in the United States. In the past few years, there have been many problems with these standardized testings. This past August, College Board was accused of …

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The Importance of Blue Holes

by Kaitlyn Wang Just as landscapes are covered with mountains, canyons, and valleys, the geography of the ocean is anything but constant. One of the oceanic features undergoing research are blue holes: massive underwater sinkholes or caves. From above, they look like …

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Intermittent Fasting

By Allen Bryan Losing weight can be difficult; eating three meals a day with little to no calories to introduce a calorie deficit can seem impossible to maintain long term. Over the last few years, a dieting regimen that has become more …

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Night Vision in Humans?

by Kevin Zhang Scientists in the United States and China have recently claimed that they have developed a way to possibly enable humans to see infrared light. The technique is based on injecting the human eye or eye of another mammal with …

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