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Trump Trade War Renewed

By Derek Dong “Trade talks are continuing, and during the talks the U.S. will start, on September 1st, putting a small additional Tariff of 10% on the remaining 300 Billion Dollars of goods and products coming from China into our Country…We look …

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Wash Your New Clothes!

By: Eileen Guo If you’re the type who dons new duds without washing them first, there’s a chance you may pay a price for it a few days later: a red, itchy, painful price. Allergic contact dermatitis is an immune system-related reaction …

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Are GMOs Dangerous?

By: Michelle Hua While many people have the same opinion on most scientific advances, GMOs seem to be one of the topics where the population is evenly split. Although there are valid arguments for both sides, society can’t seem to agree on …

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Our Warped Galaxy

by David Zhang Long ago, our knowledge of space was extremely limited. People believed that the world revolved around the earth, or that people would fall off the earth if they sailed too far. But through the past several centuries, we have …

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Structural Advantage

Success always seems to be trailing right behind the ones with the money. In numerous fields and events, coming from a relatively wealthy background can provide a significant head start. Some activities are intrinsically elitist––for instance, you can only code if you …

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The Rise of White Nationalism

Serena Mao Mass shootings in the US just seem to keep coming. Recently, the second mass shooting occurred in El Paso, Texas. And after we tend to those affected by this massacre, we must take a step back and consider the intent …

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