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Benefits of a School Production

By Sid Samel Many schools have theater programs that offer students a different type of education from the typical school experience. However, what are the real benefits of having a theater program? As it turns out, there are a surprising number of …

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Holiday Shopping Tips

By: Serena Mao With the holiday season behind us, we can forget the stress of rushing to buy gifts for our loved ones for a couple more months. So let’s prepare ourselves early for the undoubtedly stressful Christmas 2020, by following these …

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FDA Approves New Ebola Vaccine

The US Food and Drug administration has approved for the first time in the United States a vaccine for Ebola. The vaccine, Ervebo, was developed by Merck and protects against Ebola virus disease (EVD) caused by Zaire ebolavirus in people 18 and …

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Posture Related Injuries

By: Emily Zhang Computer ergonomics have a lot to do with back pain and stress. One of the main contributing factors to this is posture. When you sit in front of a monitor, is your back curved? If so, what’s the degree? …

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The Importance of Flu Vaccine

By: Brian (Ruibo) Wu In recent years, along with excess use of medications such as antibiotics, diseases tend to have more drug resistance and severe symptoms. As a result, existing antibodies and previous prevention and treatments are becoming less and less efficient. …

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Quantum Computing

By David Zhang Our computers are extremely handy, capable of numerous tasks that help us get through our day. They have also evolved extremely quickly, coming out as simple calculators during the late 1900s, and rapidly evolving into the convenient machines we …

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Being Overproductive

Too often, we can get caught up in doing things as merely a means towards an end. In other words, we pick and choose to complete tasks and participate in activities just so that we gain some tangible benefit in the future. …

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