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Is Homeopathy Actually Effective?

By: Michelle Hua Homeopathy is considered by small groups of people to be an alternative to modern medicine. Within these groups, modern medicine is often seen as an unnatural way that is potentially toxic, and that the correct way to treat someone …

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By: Eileen Guo Do a quick search of kombucha online and you’ll find that the fizzy drink (produced by fermented tea, sugar, fungi, and bacteria) supposedly supplies sky-high energy, quells pain, fends off certain cancers, detoxes your body, helps you shed weight, …

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Johnson & Johnson Lawsuit

By: David Zhang The trial between Oklahoma state, the prosecutor, and Johnson and Johnson, the defendant, (and one of the largest pharmaceutical suppliers and biotech companies in the world) closed just a few weeks ago. After seven weeks of arduous proceedings, both …

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Ejection Seats and Our Bodies

By: Michael Chang The world of aviation has always strived to go faster. Soviet and European investors hyped up the world for a commercial supersonic flight with the Concorde and Tupolev projects. American military interests gave birth to the Blackbird project. However, …

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Emergency Procedures

By: Michelle Hua Emergency procedures are uncommon in most people’s daily lives. Because of that, not many people know the exact steps for certain procedures. Although a situation where emergency procedures are needed is rare, it is still better to be prepared. …

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Are GMOs Dangerous?

By: Michelle Hua While many people have the same opinion on most scientific advances, GMOs seem to be one of the topics where the population is evenly split. Although there are valid arguments for both sides, society can’t seem to agree on …

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Air Conditioners

By: Michelle Hua In many places around the world, summer can be unbearably hot. To avoid this problem, most people stay indoors and enjoy the cold environment provided by the air conditioner. Air conditioners are extraordinarily effective in cooling down enclosed areas …

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