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Melissa Cai

SAT: In with the New, Out with the Old

Source: https://lucyostonehill.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/sat-1.jpg

Current SAT vs. Redesigned SAT The current SAT I test that we all know and love has been around since 2005, about 10 years ago. But beginning January 2016, the Collegeboard will be implementing a modified SAT I test, with several drastic …

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Pass the Tea!

It’s a typical Monday morning. You wake up, and instinctively, the first thing that you do is make yourself a steamy cup of coffee. Whether you like it black or with extra cream and sugar, 83% of Americans drink coffee on a …

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Fall Transitions

So girls, it’s finally here. The summer sun slowly wears out, and out comes the wispy clouds. Trees begin changing into shades of yellow, orange, and red as the air becomes crisp and cool. That’s right. Autumn is here, and with autumn …

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