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Kevin Bryan

Keeping Fit into 2019

By Edward Mims 2019 has just begun, and it’s the traditional time to make resolutions for the rest of the year. Resolutions seem outdated and unachievable to many, because making an unfamiliar change for an entire year seems too big of a …

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Pseudoscience and Your Health

By Kevin Bryan From phrenology, which claimed to be able to determine human character and mental abilities by the shape of the head, to “patent medicines” in 1800s America, which claimed to cure any number of illnesses, pseudoscientific solutions to human ailments …

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New Year, New You

By Kevin Bryan New Years is a time of joy for many people, when whole families and communities will gather in one place to celebrate the advent of the next year. Many people enjoy New Years because they hope to start anew …

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Leave Scabs Be!

By Allen Bryan You are running outside on a bright summer morning, and all of a sudden, you trip and fall. As you get up, you see blood dripping from your knee. Even as you are looking at it, your body is …

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You Can’t Beat Beets

By Allen Bryan Most people despise beats as a vegetable, but what people do not fully understand is the health benefits of beets. Not only are they full of essential everyday nutrients such as vitamin B, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, and copper, …

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