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Eric Guo

Monument Community Offers Diverse Cuisine

Monument Community Offers Diverse Cuisine by: Richard Eber Calling the Monument Community of Concord a “Gourmet Ghetto” is no insult. For years this area has been the home of a large number of affordable restaurants that diners from the entire region have …

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Airbnb By: Henry Guo Airbnb is a fast growing business based in downtown San Francisco. This company is very unique in its business model and is challenging traditional hotel businesses. It allows homeowners to rent their rooms or whole apartments out to …

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Utopia: Is it Possible?

By: Josie Huang Utopia equals a perfect world. But is a utopia possible? Definitely not. If a utopia was possible, it probably wouldn’t be a utopia for EVERYONE. Maybe we could get a group to be in their own utopia, but definitely …

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Earthquake Preparation

Earthquake Preparation By: Henry Guo Also known as an earthquake swarm, around 400 small earthquakes have occurred along the Calaveras fault in the San Ramon Valley for the past month. Ranging from 1.7 to 3.2 on the Richter scale, these earthquakes are …

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The Chopin Competition

The Chopin Competition By: Eric Guo During the month of October, the Warsaw Philharmonic filled with competition. 78 young pianists from 20 countries participated in the Chopin Competition, which is held every five years. Over the course of three weeks, as pianists …

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By: Henry Guo Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (APAPA) is a non-profit organization founded 13 years ago. Its mission is to empower Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Americans in civic and public affairs through education, active participation, and leadership development. …

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Drinking Soda

By: Jocelyn Li Although soda companies encourage people to exercise, health experts still disapprove of their advertisements because they promote soda as well as fitness. Soda contains on average 240 calories and 15-18 teaspoons of sugar per can. Therefore, drinking soda increases …

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