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Home / Lifestyle / Paris in the Summer

Paris in the Summer

By Ethan Hu

Paris, France is a one of the most popular tourist destinations, with people from all over the world visiting during the summer. From the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre, Paris offers many different types of attractions for tourists. Strolling around the city reveals that each street is lined with bakeries, restaurants, and other shops.

During the summer, I had the opportunity to visit Paris. I visited the main attractions as well as some less known ones such as the Musée d’Orsay. However, when it came time for lunch, I noticed that oddly almost every other restaurant was closed! As I investigated further, it turned out that most Parisians were on their own summer vacation. From high tier Michelin star restaurants to common bakeries, they all seemed to have disappeared. While I was disappointed, this is nonetheless valuable information. Especially during the month of August, many restaurants in Paris are close due to summer vacation, thus planning a visit outside of this month is recommended.

While I was unlucky enough to visit during Paris’ summer vacation season, my stay there was still worthwhile. Various museums and national attractions have enlightened and left me in awe. National monuments such as the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Notre-Dame Cathedral are worthy of visits. Those looking for a peek at the famous da Vinci’s Mona Lisa painting should visit the Louvre Museum. While the Mona Lisa may seem a bit overrated to some, the Louvre still hosts many other legendary art pieces. The Musee d’Orsay, an underrated museum, is also filled with wondrous paintings and sculptors.

Paris is a city full of wonders and rich with history and certainly lives up to its name as a global cultural center. If you ever get the chance to travel abroad, I would highly recommend a visit to Paris a visit. However, take my advice with a grain of salt and make sure to plan your stay so that you can get the most out of your trip. During your visit, do not hesitate to discover the delicious French cuisine, the grand monuments, and the overall general vibe of the city.

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