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Team USA’s Championship Track Run

forever. Swimming, basketball, volleyball, you name it; we have consistently won medals. But sometimes overlooked is the track team. At the olympics, we were always outshined by Jamaican sprinters like Usain Bolt and Yohan Blake who have consistently shattered records. But with …

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Soil degredation

Winford Chang Soil is a large part of who we are. Soil is the basis of human agriculture, natural environments, and even purifies our water. Due to human interference and some natural causes however soil degradation has become a big problem. Soil …

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Helps From Deodorant

In summers, deodorant is like food for our bodies. It not only manages to keep us fresh but also keeps bacteria at bay. Unfortunately, while most of us like to keep smelling fresh, some do not know why wearing deodorant is essential. …

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Author Salman Rushdie Stabbed in Public

By Kevin Zhang  Salman Rushdie, an Indian-born novelist who spent years in hiding after Iran urged Muslims to murder him due to his writing, was stabbed in the neck and lower abdomen onstage at a public lecture at western New York’s Chautaqua …

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The 2021 college football season review

The 2022 college football season is scheduled to begin August 27th. We look forward to an exciting year of football and following our favorite teams. Before we start this season, let’s look back at the 2021 season. This was a season that …

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