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Rules to Counting Sheep

By Ivy Lin It’s recommended that all teens have around 9 hours of sleep each night. Given the busy schedules of high school students nowadays, though, that may seem impossible. While homework, extracurriculars, and sports may steal hours of sleep every night, …

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Soylent, Yeah!

Soylent, Yeah!   Food, or some type of nutrition and sustenance, is necessary for all species. If you take a look at this pyramid, you can see that the need for food is located at the base of the human needs pyramid. …

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Welcome to Our School Production of…

Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/P_culture.svg/1138px-P_culture.svg.png

Submitted By: Katherine Han Most people have been to a play or have seen a live action movie before. But watching a movie seems so much like an activity, or something you would do during your free time. So how can being …

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Environment is the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or  influences. Littering, wasting food, wasting paper, pollution, wasting electricity, toxic chemicals, improper disposal, car travel, air travel, landfill, pesticides, ozone depletion, sea level rise, radioactive materials, and acid rain all harm the environment. …

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Tracking the Benefits of Fracking

Tracking the Benefits of Fracking by Shirley Cheng   Humans tend to disregard a problem until it becomes so big that it’s almost impossible to solve.  Global warming is one of these problems.  Sure, we all know that global warming is happening …

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Pastry Arts

Submitted By: Jessica Lee One of the courses I have been taking in school is pastry arts. Over the past couple weeks, my group and I have been working on our fondant cake. Fondant is a thick, creamy sugar paste often used …

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