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Vitamin D

By: Michelle Hua Vitamin D is an essential nutrient within the human body. Despite its name, vitamin D is actually a hormone, not a vitamin, as it can be produced by the body. This nutrient is extremely important to maintain a healthy …

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By: Emily Zhang When we talk about dislocation, most of the time we referring to joint dislocation. While dislocations are rare throughout the US, arm dislocation can be more common for children, especially when they play or fight.  Dislocation is fairly easy …

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Introduction to Myocarditis

By: Eric Hua When my roommate in college went to the doctor for a checkup, he was asked to go back for further examination because his heartbeat was beating too quickly. Soon, he was diagnosed with myocarditis and he was suspended from …

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Zentangle Art Therapy

By: Emily Zhang In mental health fields, it’s not surprising to use music and free drawing to help calm down, relax and express inner feelings. Now a new art form, Zentangle, joins the psychology and mental health field. Zentangle was introduced by …

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Weight Loss Programs

By: Emily Zhang Obesity is a big issue in America. Besides the surgical route to losing weight, there are various weight loss programs for people to try. The basic guidelines are almost the same, change your eating habits and doing exercises. The …

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Mass Psychogenic Illness

By: Michelle Hua Mass Psychogenic Illness (MPI), more commonly known as mass hysteria, is a strange phenomenon that causes multiple people to begin to show similar abnormal behavior. MPI has been described as a conversion disorder, where a person experiences symptoms without …

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