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Timothy Lee

Timothy Lee is a senior at Monta Vista High School. He moved back to the States in 2012 after living in Beijing, China for two years, and currently lives in Cupertino, California. This cross-culture experience has enabled him to encounter a vast variety of environments in which part of his writings are based on. He is also currently an officer in HEARTS, a nonprofit organization, and a VP at Silicon Valley DECA. He also has a passion in web design, computer science, badminton, and writing.

My Journey to High School

Submitted By: Michelle Tang When I graduated from middle school, I was definitely thinking about high school. Starting high school was obviously a gigantic step towards adulthood, and towards the future, so I was actually a bit nervous. Whenever I met an …

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A World Without the Arts

Submitted By: Katherine Han Many schools are running out of money.  Often times, their solution is to cut the arts in school: no more music, art, dance, or theater. Without the arts, the world would be dull. The U.S. has a low …

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Snapshot: Student Sleep

Source: https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2868/9688947112_56362f2002.jpg

Waking up at 6:30 AM and sleeping at 12:00 AM, the typical student who attends my local high school sleeps around 7 hours per night. Having recently transitioned from summer vacation back to school, students in my region have slowly began to …

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Technology in School

Source: http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7256/7118787133_f8762b2516.jpg

Submitted By: Katherine Han It all began in 600 BCE when a man by the name of Thales of Miletus discovered static electricity by rubbing fur on substances like amber. Since then, people have invented things such as the telephone, the TV, …

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Away from School

Source: https://static.pexels.com/photos/4952/sky-beach-vacation-summer.jpeg

Submitted By: Jessica Lee How many of you have gone into summer expecting incredibly fun times and wonderful relaxation? Don’t lie, we all have. Many people, like myself, have gone into summer vacation with many expectations. Some examples include dreaming of going …

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Common Core: A Long Process?

Source: https://static.pexels.com/photos/2172/desk-pens-school-design.jpg

By: Margaret Li   To this day, many people have mixed ideas of what the new standard guidelines, a set of goals outlining what a student should know by the end of each grade, of Common Core include. Common Core has been …

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Homework: Yay or Nay

Submitted By: Katherine Han The most common complaints you get from students are about homework. Students feel like they shouldn’t have homework after seven hours in school. What if they are right? There exists no homework in schools in Finland and, yet, …

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