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Home / Bolin Miao

Bolin Miao

Beyond the Canvas – Obsessive Memories

Through the depiction of qipao-clad female bodies crafted from delicate porcelain, Liu Jianhua invites viewers into a world where beauty and fragility intersect with themes of excess and desire. The lack of heads and arms on these figures strips them entirely of …

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Beyond the Canvas – Hey. Hello. Hi No.8

In the Sigg Collection exhibit in M+ Museum, one artwork by Duan Jianyu caught my eye immediately. Created in 2000, the artist invites the viewer to peek into an intimate scene as if through binoculars or facing mirrors. The drawn red curtains …

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Timeless Melody: Sonatine

Sonatine, composed by French composer Maurice Ravel, is a piece of music that is absolutely worth your time to appreciate and explore. This piece of music, created over 100 years ago, from 1903 to 1905, is a representation of Ravel’s style that …

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