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The Up and Downsides to Homeschooling

By Lauren Watt

Most people in the nation attend public school. However, some students are homeschooled. Homeschooling has had a stigma over the years as an option that not many people favor, but these people often forget that pros and cons come with everything. This includes homeschooling.

Many people wonder what the pros of homeschooling are. Annie Reneau, a homeschooling parent, comments that “we’ve always been able to take advantage of off-peak times…how much that freedom meant to us.” One of the many benefits that homeschooling entails is the freedom of time and learning. For example, home schoolers can start school as early or late as they want, depending on their preference. In addition, homeschooling can arrange their schedules to suit the family’s needs.

However, there are also aspects to homeschooling that aren’t as positive. Rebecca Spooner, who was a homeschooled kid, believes that people who have had the same experience throughout education as her are often misunderstood. She says that “a lot of people just don’t understand homeschooling and that can be really frustrating for a homeschooled child.” From the perspective of parents, there are also negatives to teaching their children at home. Most homeschooling parents can relate to the large amount of time they need to devote to their children.

All in all, there are both pros and cons to homeschooling, and neither one should make you put the idea out of the question. Even though children are impacted by the negatives, most homeschooling families do not regret their choice.

About Katherine Han

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