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Traveling Back in Time

By: Eric Guo   Time travel is something that has been on everyone’s minds for the past few centuries. It has inspired many movies and fictional novels. Many people are particularly interested in traveling back in time due to the urge to …

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The Way to the Soul

By: Tammy Lu American writer, Bill James, once said, “It’s easy for people to grow up in our society believing that certain lifestyles are risk free when they certainly are not.” A lifestyle could be defined as the way a person lives, …

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Racial Tensions in the US

By Michael Yang America has always been a country that is known for its diversity. Its motto, “E Pluribus Unum” (Out of many, one), makes clear its diversity of race and religion. Indeed, studies have shown that by 2043, no single race …

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Mental Health in the U.S.

Mental illness has always been a part of humanity. It has been hidden away, painted over, and treated like a contagious plague. The short story, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Gilman depicts a stark reality of mental illness and the way patients …

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Common Core: A Long Process?

Source: https://static.pexels.com/photos/2172/desk-pens-school-design.jpg

By: Margaret Li   To this day, many people have mixed ideas of what the new standard guidelines, a set of goals outlining what a student should know by the end of each grade, of Common Core include. Common Core has been …

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Coding is Cool

By: Angela Luo Amongst the vast community service and charitable work that Global Leadership Initiative (GLI) has done this year, one of its most notable accomplishments is what the GLI Web Team has done since its establishment in spring of 2015. Led …

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