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Should we go to College?

By William Zeng As we all know, 12 years’ education from elementary school to high school is free and mandatory in United States. With higher college tuition and stricter admission criteria, more and more people are asking: Should we go to college? …

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Winter Break in a Nutshell

Submitted By: Denise School breaks are something we all look forward to. But let’s be real- I think we all come to realize that it’s mostly boring and joyless, with a few days of actual vacation. Take my winter break, for example. …

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Why Is It So Hot?!

Submitted by: Eileen Guo Why are the temperatures so high here in the U.S. this year? Because of global warming, El Niño, and the jetstream, we’ve been having heated winters on the west coast and no snow on the east coast. Global …

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By Joyce Ye   Besides the obvious benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet, there are plenty of reasons people turn to veganism or vegetarianism, including weight loss, health issues, and animal rights. Still others are guided by their religious …

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People of the Medical Industry: Carl F. Gauss

By David Zhang Have you ever wondered where all the formulas you have memorized in math class came from? They weren’t magically written into your textbook. These theorems were formulated by many mathematicians, including Carl Friedrich Gauss. Gauss was born on April …

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Saving the Beaches

Submitted by: Hong Guo California is a state especially known for its beaches. A stereotype is that we spend all our days tanning on the beaches. Even though it isn’t true at all, we should still pride ourselves on the beautiful oceans we’re …

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