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Decriminalizing Drugs

By Michael Yang The decriminalization of drugs could not only save the US a lot of money, but could also allow addicts to undergo treatment without the fear of prosecution. Many states around the US spend large amounts of money enforcing the …

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“High School Only”

Submitted By: Katherine Han You walk into the activities fair at school and see booths all around you advertising all different kinds of clubs. Journalism, Tech club, Interact club, and many more other clubs. They all seem very interesting, and sound like …

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Japan Earthquake 4/16

An earthquake with the magnitude of 7.0 struck Kyushu, one of Japan’s islands,  on Saturday, April 16th. Two days prior, the same region was also struck with a 6.4 magnitude earthquake. Since these two earthquakes, at least 19 people have died from …

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Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year By: Teresa Tu Chinese people often call the New Year “Spring Festival,” but it is not the official beginning of spring. It is simply the first day of the first month in the lunar calendar. Under the lunar system, …

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Sleep deprivation and microsleep

By Stephanie Lin In the life of an high school and college student, sleep deprivation is nothing more than a common daily occurrence. You wake up tired and irritable, sometimes feeling like you had gotten no sleep at all, other days feeling …

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The Story Behind Donald Trump

By Ethan Hu Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in New York City, the child of Mary Anne Trump and Fred Trump. Because his father worked in real estate development, Donald naturally followed in his footsteps and immediately joined his …

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