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By: Jocelyn Li Goals and dreams are valuable; they push you to do certain tasks and they give you a clear view of what you want from both yourself and others. In the KQED-run program of This I Believe, two people with …

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Submitted by: Cindy Zhang My brown toy poodle, Oreo, who is now two years old, is my first pet. Although I spend most of my time in boarding school, he always welcomes me when I return home during holidays. Sometimes, I will …

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Let Us Meditate Pt.2

By Jiemin Sun Meditation can improve both your physical and emotional health, as covered in part one of Let us Meditate. One may suppress respiratory or even heart diseases just by sitting, breathing, and clearing one’s mind. Brain structure can be altered, …

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The Case for Gun Control

By Michael Yang Gun control is a hotly contested issue, especially between the two major political parties. However, while the right to bear arms is often seen as fundamental due to the Second Amendment, many comment that regulating who can own weapons …

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The Education Plan for America: Donald Trump Edition

By Krystal Yang The new president of the United States, Donald Trump, has wasted no time at all in reforming America’s education policy. His policies will affect students of all ages, from elementary students to university graduates. For elementary schoolers, there has …

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A Tattoo For Food

Submitted by: May Leng Say goodbye to those tiny circular stickers you peeled off of Cuties, pears, bell peppers, yams, potatoes, and tomatoes. The Dutch fruit and vegetable supplier Nature & More and Swedish supermarket ICA have recently abandoned using stickers on …

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Ocean World Near Saturn Top Contender for Life Beyond Earth

By Kevin You Recently, NASA announced that Enceladus, a moon orbiting Saturn, has almost all of the qualifications needed to support life on Earth. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft detected hydrogen molecules in the geysers on Enceladus. Potentially the result of deep-sea chemical reactions …

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