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Pressurized Cabin

We have all been on an airplane. You settle in your seat and the flight attendants give their safety demonstration. Minutes later, you are airborne, leaving the ground at 1500 feet per minute. Then, suddenly, you start to feel nauseous, maybe dizzy. …

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Choosing Extracurricular Activities

By Mihika Badjate I remember as a seventh grader, attending the start-of-school assembly and being absolutely mind blown by the number and diversity of electives offered. That feeling returned in the second semester of eighth grade when I realized it was time …

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Finding Life in Extinction

Submitted by: Stephanie Zhang Cougar, puma, mountain lion, catamount… What’s the difference? In truth, there is none. These multiple names were adopted due to primitive classification techniques based on fur coats and negligible differences in size. But, with genetic testing today, these …

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Healthcare in the Soviet Union

By Michael Chang The Soviet Union, like any other communist nation, had a socialist healthcare model. Named the Semashko system, after Nikolai Semashko, the People’s Commissioner of Public Health in 1928, the citizens’ healthcare needs were paid for by the government. All …

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