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Climate Change Apathy

By Kaitlyn Wang At times it may seem difficult to take concrete actions to move towards climate change “solutions.” At times, climate change seems like an overwhelming issue, one that individuals can do little to address. As a result, while there are …

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Every person has eaten inorganic fruits or vegetables at some point in his or her life. However, many people do not understand the difference between organic and inorganic foods. Inorganic products are foods that have been in contact with pesticides. Pesticides include …

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The Tech That Makes You Fly

By Michael Chang For millennia, mankind has invested in technology to let us take to the skies. From lighter-than-air machines of the 18th century to modern aircraft clocking in at 640 tonnes, numerous technological advances have made it possible to carry passengers …

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The Game of Politics

Alan Chu Governments need to exist. Without them, there is only complete anarchy. And yet, with the relatively recent imposition of democracies which necessitate elected officials, the effects of politics suddenly pop into the equation. Of course, politics dictates the future of …

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Thanksgiving Traditions in School

by Kevin Bryan   Thanksgiving is a holiday that most people enjoy celebrating at home with family and friends. The first foods we often think of are a sumptuous oven-roasted turkey and the most beautifully seasoned mashed potatoes. Some may even think …

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The Beauty of National Parks

By Annabelle Law Yellowstone was the first ever established American national park in 1872. Inside its boundaries lay a vast natural world. It is home to 322 species of birds, 70 different mammals, and 1100 species of native plants. Visitors can explore …

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Will Polio Return?

By Kevin Bryan Poliomyelitis, or more commonly known as “polio” or “infantile paralysis”, is a virally transmitted disease by the poliovirus that causes muscle weakness. The disease has been seen for thousands of years and was very widespread during the 20th century. …

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