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You Can’t Beat Beets

By Allen Bryan Most people despise beats as a vegetable, but what people do not fully understand is the health benefits of beets. Not only are they full of essential everyday nutrients such as vitamin B, iron, manganese, copper, magnesium, and copper, …

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The Dark Web

By David Zhang Whenever there is mention of the dark web, people think about illegal ventures, drug dealing, human trafficking and other disturbing content. However, that is only a portion of the dark web which has been overemphasized, creating the misconception that …

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Real or Fake?

By Serena Mao With holiday season in full gear, millions of Americans are decking their homes out for the beloved Christmas celebration. The glorious Christmas tree, of course, is a traditional staple in our holiday decor. But two distinct choices have always …

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Threat of Overfishing

By Nicole Chan What is overfishing? Overfishing is defined as when more fish are caught than the ones that the population naturally replenishes. Although some may believe that this will only benefit the economy as it brings more profit, overfishing actually has …

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Growing Indoor Plants

By Aimi Wen Growing indoor plants can be tough. I have heard my own share of stories about plants dying, especially fruit and vegetable plants. Hopefully, the tips below prove to be helpful.   Set-up: An important part of potting is the …

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Thinking With Your Stomach

By Kevin Bryan Have you ever heard the old phrase “thinking with your stomach”? Well, it turns out to be truer than we thought. Recent research shows that the stomach has a much more direct and rapid interaction with the brain than …

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The TSA’s Screening Process

By Michael Chang   The Transport Security Administration, known colloquially as the TSA, is often at the subject of controversy about their methods of searching and clearing people to proceed to their flights. With air travel becoming more prevalent after a lull …

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