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The 5 Second Rule

By: Serena Mao It’s easy for us to list off what our goals are: financial security, a loving relationship, having good friends to depend on. What’s not so easy is to take the actions that will actually allow us to reach those …

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Environmental Elimination

Hongdi Zhang??? It is important for environment protection agencies to clarify what animals are safe to keep and which ones must be eliminated. Animals introduced by humans from one place to another place can cause trouble to the local environment. This phenomenon …

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Can Drinking Hot Water Cure Diseases?

By: Emily Zhang In the US, it seems that people seldom drink hot water. Many people often just drink cold beverages or hot coffee and tea instead. However, in some other countries, such as China, you’ll often hear the phrase “Drink hot …

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America’s North Korea Strategy

U.S. President Donald Trump has had a long history with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Beginning with the constant rivalry and angry tweets, the love-hate relationship somehow birthed a peaceful meeting in June at the demilitarized zone in Korea. However, this …

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College Videogame Scholarships

By Derek Dong From their conception, video games have been a heated point of contention between kids and their parents. Parents felt genuine concern when their children played into the early hours of the morning. Often times the children themselves wouldn’t even …

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