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The Importance of a Neat Desk

By: Michelle Hua If you look at your desk right now, there is a good chance that it’ll be messy. Many people have papers, books, and other random objects piled on their tables. Usually, people have messy desks because they have too …

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Microplastic Pollution

Christina Hua Invented in 1907, plastic has been the source of many environmental debates, ranging from pollution concerns to biodegradability. Problems such as the usage of plastic straws and littering of soda rings are particularly mainstream as it endangers and kills sea …

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The Inevitable Comparison

Serena Mao It’s almost inevitable to commit the crime of sibling comparison as a parent: after all, when your kids live in the same household under your guidance, it seems natural to see how each of them compare in the face of …

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2021 Tokyo Olympics

Despite many health officials continuously sounding the alarms about the ongoing pandemic, Olympic officials are positive that the Tokyo Summer Olympics will take place as scheduled. Just this past month, Japan underwent its fourth wave of the pandemic (primarily in Tokyo and …

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Wellness at Gunn High School

By: Sarah Chang I would like to share my thoughts about students’ wellness at Gunn. All of this is solely based on my personal experience and is not written to denounce or condemn anyone in any way shape or form. Personally, I …

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Consequences of Fast Fashion

By Kaitlyn Wang Shoes worn only several times, forgotten dresses hanging in the closet, T-shirts that have barely seen the light of day—too often, clothes are purchased, then set aside and eventually discarded.   According to McKinsey & Company, the number of …

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