A lot of us want to learn a new language, but sometimes it’s just way too hard to dig into something that you don’t know. Below are my experiences and what I recommend doing to learn a new language.
I had to learn English in second grade, I went to school and took an English class, and my English improved dramatically after talking with classmates and eventually learning the language from them. My teacher was also very nice, helping me to work on projects, write poems and stories, take speaking tests, and much more. What I noticed about learning language is that if you communicate with the people who speak the same language, you’ll eventually get to know that language. Communication is important, it helps you a lot on your language journey.
When starting to learn a new language, you want to first research it because of the different types of writing or speaking. Then start learning the basics of the language, like grammar, the alphabet, how to say it, how to write it, etc. Don’t just learn it by yourself because it’ll be very difficult: search videos on it, ask people about it, get outside information. What I recommend is, if possible, taking some time and going to the country that speaks the language. By communicating with people that speak the language, you will learn a lot more than just using a random language app. Another tip is that when learning, don’t just learn about how to speak it, or how to write it. Learn about the culture of the language, where it came, from who made it and more.
Sometimes, we all feel the urge to give up. But just remember, keep learning and you eventually will speak the language fluently.