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220 Beehives Burnt in Malta

According to The Times of Malta, around 220 beehives were found intentionally burnt in the last few days, between areas Għarb and Għasri in Gozo. Damage estimating around €12,000 and intentionally killing over 250,000 bees, these vandals are condemned for environmental destruction …

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Struggling to escape sex trade

By Ariel Yang In Nepal, many Badi women left their professions for the hope of a better life, but almost all of them found that they have very little or no alternatives for survival. They are also facing issues such as discrimination, …

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Importance of the Process

Submitted By: Timothy Lee 12:30. After competitions. After the chapter meeting. After dark. With final round competitions the next day, I thought I would be able to sleep early. Being told that I was among the best my entire life, I wanted …

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Euro 2016

By: Henry Guo 2016 UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) European Championship tournament, or Euro 2016, is currently taking place in France. There are 24 teams in the finals stage playing for the championship. It is held every four years since 1960, …

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Save the California Red Legged Frog!

By: Mason Lau Planes, cars, boats, and countless other technological advances have greatly improved our world. But at what cost? Each year, many species of animals are pushed out of their habitats as a result of growing industrialization. Whether it is the …

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Don’t Strip!

You’ve probably seen them before: pore strips, made to get rid of blackheads by simply pulling them out. You can find them in drugstores or even make your own with nontoxic glue and activated charcoal, but think again. These pore strips, usually …

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Why You Should Journal

By Isabella Teng I’ve been journaling everyday for a couple years now. I’ll admit keeping one and sticking to writing consistently was difficult at first. But after continuing with journaling as I have, I can easily list the benefits over disadvantages. Whatever’s …

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