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Origins of the Interstate: Highways

Submitted by: Michael Chang Highways are something we take for granted. We use them to travel to work, the airport, and even home, but most of us never even think about these critical components of cities and inter-city travel. These massive infrastructure …

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Getting Rid of Pimples

By Helena Li Have you ever had that one pimple that randomly pops up and stubbornly sticks around for weeks? I’ll admit, this happens to me too often. It can be extremely frustrating when a zit refuses to go away, especially when …

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Dear Me

By York Tang Everything we know about how we improve ourselves is wrong. When we think of ways to improve ourselves, we generally think of two methods. Sometimes, people who are kind to us will point out our shortcomings and then we …

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UK Leaves EU

On June 23, there was a referendum (where everyone over a certain age votes) in the UK deciding if it were to leave or stay in the European Union. The people of the UK decided to leave the EU 52 to 48 …

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West Virginia Floods

On Thursday June 23, a massive flood hit West Virginia, causing destruction and numerous deaths. So far, at least 23 people have been found dead and over a hundred houses have been devastated. On Thursday night, 44 West Virginian counties have declared …

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