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Trump’s Tariffs

By Cindy Xinrui Zhang   Donald Trump has proposed to impose a 45% tariff on China and a 35% tariff on Mexico. This is not a beneficial strategy to improve United State’s economy. Instead, the high tariff will damage the domestic economy. …

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Balancing Extracurricular Activities

By Mihika Badjate Most High School students consider themselves “busy.” In addition to homework, many have to juggle extracurricular activities, such as sports, musical instruments, art classes, and any other activities outside the normal school curriculum that they find themselves interested in. …

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Special Exhibition in Legion of Honor

 Special Exhibition in Legion of Honor By: Jinsong Tu April 4th was the second day of spring break. We went to the San Francisco Legion of Honor on that day to visit a special exhibition of this museum—”Monet: The Early Years”. Claude …

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Plastic vs Tote? Choose Plastic!!

Submitted by: May Leng Tote bags are thought of as the economically friendly version of plastic bags: something you would bring to a farmer’s market to purchase fresh, organic tomatoes. Grocery stores across America promote these cloth bags by placing them at …

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The Mistreatment of Tiger Cubs

By Daphne Yan Early April in the Beirut airport, a crate was found with no attention for almost a week and inside were three tiger cubs, severely malnourished and mistreated. These three tiger cubs were cramped in a box which was only …

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The Importance of Calcium

By Xin Chang Do you know that calcium is essential for our body’s overall nutrition and health, because it is the most abundant mineral in our body. Aside from bones and teeth, they can also be found in blood plasma, body tissues, …

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Trump’s Goals

By Cindy Xinrui Zhang Donald Trump and his team of economists are estimating a 3.5% or even higher GDP (gross domestic product) growth. During Trump’s campaign till his election as president, the goal post of GDP growth has been shifted several times. Currently, …

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