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Meta Research – The Research of Research

By David Zhang Meta research is a relatively new field of science, which aims to find ways to improve the accuracy and reliability of scientific experiments. It studies ways to reduce biases and develop more efficient processes for gathering and interpreting. Of …

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To Be Famous

Serena Mao When you ask a child what she wants to be when she grows up, you’ll usually get answers like rockstars, astronauts, football players, etc. Although there’s probably great diversity in the answers of different kids, a similar theme often emerges–––kids …

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5 Quick Relaxation Hacks You Can Do Everywhere You Go

Let’s talk about the “s-word”.   Stress affects people all over the world. Year after year, Americans have reported to feel more stress than the previous year. According to the American Psychological Association’s annual Stress in America survey, 45% of Americans report …

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SB 100

By Sachi Bajaj It is finally August 2018, which means the final vote of the bill SB 100 will be taken this month. This is a critical time in California right now as this is our state’s most crucial climate bill of …

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Tooth Trauma

By Kevin Bryan Trauma, or physical injury, of a tooth is a common occurrence in adolescents. These injuries are often caused by accidents during sports or even normal household activities. Some of these injuries may result in a chipped or fractured tooth, …

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How to Improve iPhone Battery Life

By Cindy Wu  A few days ago, Apple announced three new iPhone models. The home button is officially dead and new devices going forward will start using Face ID as the primary unlock system. They will also release an updated Apple Watch …

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The Web Strategy

By Alan Chen “Get off your smartphone.” Nowadays, teens hear this all the time. The youth of today are bombarded with criticism of their tendency to talk, text, and communicate online. Whether it’s social media like Instagram or Facebook, games like Overwatch, …

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