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The North Korea Impasse

Serena Mao Trump’s late February trip to Hanoi in Vietnam was intended to be the dazzling sequel to the initial meeting in June 2018, where the leader of the free world shook hands with the dictator of one of the most isolated …

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Cooking for Survival

By: Christina Hua Before the Neolithic Revolution, men and women took equal parts in hunting and gathering in order to feed themselves and their families. However, after the Neolithic Revolution, women have been placed in the house to care for children and …

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Dental Anxiety

By Allen Bryan Dental appointments are often a scary ordeal for people, as imagining metal tools and x-rays being inserted into the mouth is not a comfortable thought before the procedure. However, as hard as it may be to believe, dentists are …

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Cancer Detection and Diagnosis

By Cindy W. Cancer diagnostics can be very inconvenient, since some can take substantial time to be completed. Certain methods of diagnosis can be painful for some patients. Often, they are inaccurate. Could there be a better way to check for cancers? …

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Exercise and the Brain

Serena Mao Running, swimming, playing sports: all are examples of the infamous and eternal struggle we call exercise. We all know physical exertion is necessary in our lives; without it, we would lose flexibility, speed, and what some consider a pleasant appearance. …

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