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How Does Coronavirus Spread?

By: Eric Hua Researchers are investigating how the coronavirus has spread to the extent that it has now. Currently, there are multiple theories being put forward by scientists: First, since people have postulated the new coronavirus is derived from bats, one possibility …

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Incited Civil Division Through Misinformation

By: Dhruv Saran On July 4th, 2020, President Trump addressed the public in a speech commemorating the independence of the United States of America. In this address, he had stated that “99% of coronavirus cases are ‘totally harmless’” (Reston). His remarks about …

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China Passes Hong Kong National Security Law

By Kevin Zhang On June 30th, 2020, China passed a controversial new national security law that grants China new powers over Hong Kong that many believe could threaten the semi-autonomous state of the city. Beijing has been attempting to pass the national …

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By: Allen Bryan Whether you’re a bodybuilder, football player, or just someone who wants to get in shape, doing cardio is one of the most important methods of losing fat and maintaining muscle. Cardio entails any rhythmic physical activity that raises heart …

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Hyperopia and Presbyopia

By: Emily Zhang Among the students who wear glasses, most are nearsighted. Their glasses can help them to see the objects that are far away, for example, blackboards. However, there are some students who are farsighted. While they can see the blackboards, …

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Poland’s Ghost Election

By: Ryane Li America is not the only country struggling with its elections. Indeed, polarizing debates about how to allow voters access to the ballot box safely have pushed Poland’s political situation to the brink. The result? A ‘ghost’ election, dubbed by …

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