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How I Make Money as a Teen

Today I will be showing you how I made money as a teenager. I will be introducing 3 ways! The first way – I like to make money by selling my old clothes. When I look in my closet, I find clothes …

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Quidditch – A “Real” Sport!…?

Since it was introduced to the general public in the novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (aka Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone), quidditch has invigorated the spirit, if not the bodies, of children, tweens, and teens across the globe. As they grew older, …

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Finding your Music taste

There are many apps to stream music on, there are many songs that exist that are currently releasing every day. People have different music tastes, so I’m here to help you find your music taste. I hope you have already listened to …

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James Webb Telescope Successfully Launches

By Kevin Zhang NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, a fully modernized space telescope equipped for viewing the universe in ways never before realized, has successfully launched on Christmas morning.  The telescope was launched on the back of an Ariane 5 rocket from …

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